Proudly serve the community

Proudly serve the community

Proudly serve the community

Proudly serve the community

Proudly serve the community

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Admission Information

Admission Information 2022 of Eastern International University

Why choose EIU?

EIU considers admission by two methods: Candidates can use one of the following two methods to apply for admission

Tuition Fee & Scholarships

Information on tuition fees and scholarships of Eastern International University


Answer questions from students and parents about the training program and student life

EIU Life on Campus

Information about activities, clubs, student union association, jobs to support students


Workshop: “Blockchain as an institutional technology to enable new kinds of digital enterprises”

On March 22, 2024, the Department of Business Administration at EIU successfully organized a seminar on the theme "Blockchain as an institutional technology to enable new kinds of digital enterprises," which saw a large turnout of leaders, lecturers, and students from the Department of Business Administration.

Exchange activities with students from Yamaguchi Prefectural University (YPU) and Asia University, Japan

On March 15, 2024, an emotionally rich and meaningful connection activity took place between the students of the Eastern International University (EIU) and those from Yamaguchi Prefectural University (YPU) and Asia University, Japan, under the theme "EIU – Yamaguchi Prefectural University & Asia University Cultural Exchange".

EIU welcomed the Chairman of Sembcorp Industries

Mr. Tow Heng Tan and his delegation toured EIU's facilities, laboratories, classrooms, and learning environment.