The ceremony to award the Certificate of Quality Accreditation for 05 program levels and announce the appointment decision of EIU Honorary Chairman

On the morning of June 16, 2023, Eastern International University (EIU) held a ceremony to announce the decision to award the Certificate of Quality Accreditation 05 training programs and announce the appointment decision of EIU Honorary Chairman. The program was attended by Mr. Nguyen Loc Ha – Member of Standing Board of Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of Binh Duong Provincial People’s Committee; Assoc. Dr. Le Ngoc Quynh Lam – Director of the Center for Accreditation of Education Quality at VNU-HCM and members of the External Evaluation Team; Mr. Pham Ngoc Thuan – General Director and Board of Directors of Becamex IDC Corporation; Business representatives of strategic partners; The Board of Directors/Board of Directors together with EIU lecturers, staffs and students.

With the goal of constantly innovating, improving the quality of training, scientific research and technology transfer, in January 2023, EIU was conducted a major survey program by the Education Accreditation Center of Vietnam National University-HCM. Accreditation method for 5 level training programs, including: Mechatronics Engineering, Control and Automation Engineering, Software Engineering, Business Administration and Nursing. After the accreditation period, completing the evaluation process, the Center for Education Accreditation of VNU-HCM officially announced the decision and awarded the certificate of quality accreditation to the Eastern International University.

Speaking at the program, Dr. Ngo Minh Duc – EIU president considers quality as the highest commitment to the community and society. Quality accreditation is not only to comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, but also to be a true and objective reflection of the training quality of a university, in which the training programs are the core part of the educational program, unique characteristics of a higher education institution and has a certain impact on other activities. For that reason, the work of quality assurance and quality inspection has become an indispensable and daily thing in all activities of each individual of all units and is always especially important to the University’s leadership.

Dr. Ngo Minh Duc – EIU President speaking at the ceremony

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Ngoc Quynh Lam – Director of Center for Accreditation of Education Quality of VNU-HCM also said: Based on the evaluation results of the Evaluation Team and the resolution of the Education Accreditation Council, in the past 5 years, training programs of 5 majors have been approved. There are many outstanding strengths such as: having goals, clearly defined outcomes of the training program, and teaching methods that create many opportunities for learners to actively participate in the learning process. training to become human resources ready to work and meet the needs of employers. The delegation also highly appreciated the investment of resources, focusing on a team of highly qualified, capable and enthusiastic lecturers and staff along with the construction of facilities and pedagogical landscape by the University. spacious and modern, convenient for teaching, learning and research.

Accreditation certification at the level of training programs is the basis for units, especially EIU-affiliated faculties, to implement the quality assurance of training programs according to the University’s strategic plan in the period of 2021-2025 towards the goal. to ensure the quality of education in the future. This is also a testament to the University’s continuous efforts to improve the training program so that it can provide high-quality human resources to meet the needs of socio-economic development of Binh Duong province. Duong in particular and the Southern Key Economic Region in general, in order to fulfill the mission of raising knowledge – serving the community of the University.

Assoc. Dr. Le Ngoc Quynh Lam – Director of Education Accreditation Center of VNU-HCM  speaking at the program

Also at the ceremony, EIU also announced the decision to recognize members of the EIU Council. Accordingly, Mr. Nguyen Loc Ha – UV Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of Binh Duong Provincial People’s Committee will be the Honorary Chairman term 2020-2025.

Sharing in the program, Mr. Nguyen Loc Ha emphasized the role of Eastern International University in providing high-quality human resources to serve the project of building Binh Duong Smart City and Innovation Zone. At the same time, EIU is also a bright spot in building an innovation ecosystem with many new and well-invested operating models. Thereby, contributing to encouraging the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship; attract gray matter; promoting research and application of industry 4.0 in production and business; consistent with the major orientation in the development strategy of Binh Duong province. As the Honorary Chairman, he will contribute and accompany the University leaders, teachers and students in the development of EIU, contributing to the development of EIU, development of education – training of Binh Duong and the country in general.

Mr. Pham Ngoc Thuan – General Director of Becamex IDC Corporation and Mr. Nguyen Tan Loi – EIU Chairman presented flowers to congratulate Mr. Nguyen Loc Ha – EIU Honorary Chairman  term 2020 – 2025.

Some pictures at the ceremony